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The Value of None

Soil Installation with sound underneath

Soil from cemetery and Piece of brick from decay temple in the cemetery.

The Value of None
Installation, 2018

Silom, the most important financial district in Thailand, is full of life during the day and colorful during the night. The district instigates a constant movement and transformation through shops, stores, and residents that perpetually disappear and newly spring up. In the midst of the buzzing district, there is Silom Cemetary, a contemplative, slow-paced space that exists from the beginning when the land was vacant before becoming a high-priced developed area today. The cemetery was once built by a collective of people who bought and shareholder to build the last place to rest for the deceased, now it decays from lack of maintenance, change in its surrounding, and most of all, pressure from development that this cemetery must adapt itself to the urban needs. The future of this cemetery remains unclear. The idea of the work is to collect elements that indicate the uniqueness of the place such as soil, signs, even sounds to examine and further investigate. It is an open-ended exploration starting from the inquiry of the artist questioning the value of life, sacred place, history, and memory that constantly being contested by the economy under the scrutiny of urban developments.

Doorway sign at the temple in the cemetery.

Document Photographs from the cemetery.

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